Locker room furniture design for junior basketball players
Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Industrial Design Engineer Bsc thesis work
IO LINE AND ROUND - Design Internship
Consultants: Hevesi Annabella , Dóka Tamás
First, I analysed the style guidelines for the appearance and the design approach. Then, I studied the relationship between athletes and changing rooms via personally conducted questionnaires and academic literature. I learnt about similar products that are currently available on the market, about the target group’s habits in the dressing room, and I presented the user environment. Finally, I gathered information about regulations related to furniture design and about ergonomic guidelines and principles.
After the research phase, I prepared function analysis and a primary requirements catalogue, based on which my ideas were assessed, and the most optimal ones were selected. These ideas were developed into concepts by using 3D models, out of which the final product concept was chosen based on the evaluation of my dissertation’s supervisor. While working out the final concept, the chosen materials were described along with their properties and manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the complete structure of the product was designed. I prepared the technical documentation and the detailed cost estimation of the furniture.
The main advantage of the elaborated concept is its adaptivity, which means that after coordinating the dimensions, the furniture can be installed in any space that includes traditional 90-degree-angle wall connections. In this project, the dimensions of the space were predefined. However, there is potential in developing the product into a modular furniture by modifying the size of the panels. This way, the furniture could be customised to fit the changing rooms of other sport complexes or offices. The coloured MDF and the colour palette of the decorative laminates enable various colour combinations, which could be adjusted to reflect the representative colours of individual sport clubs.